2021 In Review At Specialised Health

2021 – what a year it was!

At the end of 2020 I think we all took a deep breath, saying “2021 will be better”… And okay, maybe it wasn’t muuuch better in Covid terms (Melbourne taking first place for the longest lockdown in the world of 262 days, and Auckland coming in over 100 days). But 2021 has certainly come with its fair share of success and accomplishment as well!

So as we start to hurtle (full-steam ahead!) into 2022, let’s take a brief moment to reflect on 2021 – both around the world, and right here at Specialised Health.


Around the world…

  • Science has allowed a human brain to be wirelessly connected to a computer for the first time ever, a huge milestone for those with spinal cord injuries,

  • The United Nations declared 2021 to be the ‘International Year of Peace and Trust’ (Covid bringing countries together, we hope?),

  • Twitter suspended Donald Trump’s account to prevent him from tweeting, AND he was banned on Facebook and Instagram. He was later impeached… Twice (but who are we to get political),

  • The 2020 Tokyo Olympics were successfully held in Tokyo after being postponed the year prior due to Covid19,

  • The United Nations Climate Change Conference went ahead with 197 countries coming together to reduce the impact of climate change,

  • El Salvador became the first country in the world to accept ‘Bitcoin’ as an official currency,

  • Around 8 billion Covid 19 vaccinations were administered worldwide!

And on a slightly more local scale, with 2021 now in the rearview mirror, we thought we would take the opportunity to look back over the year that was, here at Specialised Health.


Our Company Statistics

What a good feeling to look back over the data and know that we have helped to make big changes! These are some of our closure statistics. 

Specialised Health

Company Developments

In terms of progress within the company, 2021 saw us start to really build out our suite of fixed fee program offerings. From our mental health programs such as ReConnect and ReCharge, to ReBuild for musculoskeletal injuries, ReBalance for cancer recovery, and of course our favourite… Our new, 12 week fixed fee program for fatigue management – Bounce!

Last year also saw us expand our geographical coverage to northern Queensland areas including Mackay and Townsville, adding to our strong South East QLD coverage, as well as NSW, VIC and SA. This expanded coverage now allows us to provide services for those who previously encountered significant wait times to rehabilitation, or were only able to access services via telehealth.

We’re excited to have 2 research studies moving through the approval process after partnering with Massey University in New Zealand. This helps us to create research-quality evidence to support our novel approaches in the fatigue and mental health spaces.

And of course, we recently launched our new podcast Building Function!


What Do Our Clients Think?

One metric that we use to assess the feedback that we have received from our clients is called the Net Promoter Score (NPS). This score is derived from feedback ratings for the question asking how likely they would be to recommend the services to someone else, on a scale of 0-10. It can therefore be used as an indication of customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Currently, our NPS, across the entire company based on all post-program survey respondents, is 88 (and if you’re familiar with NPS then you’ll know this is something worth telling the world about!) 

Given that NPS ratings can be anywhere from -100 to +100, a score above 0 is typically seen as “good” and a score greater than 50 is considered “excellent”. So we are extremely happy with our clients having this level of satisfaction after participating in one of our Exercise Physiology programs!


Looking Forward To 2022

Specialised Health

With 2021 behind us, we turn towards a bright and prosperous 2022. For those who have helped to contribute to these statistics by referring to us or supporting us in other ways across the year, we thank you! 

From all of us at Specialised Health, we wish you a successful 2022 and we look forward to working together to create more awesome results for our clients!


Author: Yolanda van Vugt

Editor / Creative Design: Tessa Nielsen

Clinical Exercise Physiologist and Content Creators at Specialised Health


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