2023 – Our Year in Review!

2023 in review

2023, it feels like we blinked and it’s gone! So before we hurtle (full-steam ahead!) into 2024, let’s take a brief moment to reflect on 2023.

Around the world…

  • Artificial intelligence burst into public consciousness, bringing excitement, concern and everything in between

  • Neuro-sensor feedback devices became a reality, allowing people to control artificial limbs with their thoughts

  • We reached record temperatures worldwide, and experienced wild weather events right across the globe (Australia and NZ included!) 

  • A device was created to enable diabetics to non-invasively detect blood glucose levels

  • The first methane-fuelled rocket was launched into space 

And on a slightly more local scale, with 2023 now in the rear view mirror, we thought we would take the opportunity to look back over the year that was, here at Specialised Health.

Our Company Statistics

As we take a moment to review the year gone by, it's incredibly rewarding to see the positive impact we've made through our work.

Looking at the data, it's interesting to see the four most prevalent conditions that we’ve worked with. In 2023, Musculoskeletal issues remained our number one, followed by mental health, cancer, and fatigue. Over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in referrals for both mental health and fatigue. It is no surprise then that among our fixed-fee programs, our fatigue-management program, "Bounce," emerged as the most popular. 

Delving into the outcomes of these referrals, we're thrilled to share some remarkable achievements. Our focus at the program's onset revolves around four key goals: Return to Work (RTW) with the same employer, RTW with a new employer, work readiness, and overall well-being. We're happy to see success rates, no matter the goal, exceeding 80% - you can’t complain about that!

Company Developments

Over the past year, our team experienced meaningful growth and expanded its reach. In Australia, we welcomed two outstanding EPs, Leanne and David, to our Queensland team. Meanwhile, our New Zealand presence nearly doubled, with coverage now including the Nelson, Manawatu, and Taranaki regions. Noteworthy is the promotion of three dedicated EPs—Shara, Caitlin, and Ryan—into senior roles, providing valuable support to our already managers, James, Carmyn and Aidan. 

Beyond the front line - 2023, our commitment to education persisted! We successfully organised our first rehabilitation summit in Auckland, New Zealand, which brought together experts, rehabilitation providers, and case managers for collaborative learning. Additionally, we shared insights through 48 blogs and introduced 8 more episodes on our Building Function podcast. I guess this is all to say - we’ve been busy!

What Do Our Clients Think?

One metric that we use to assess the feedback that we have received from our clients is called the Net Promoter Score (NPS). This score is derived from feedback ratings for the question asking how likely they would be to recommend the services to someone else, from a scale of 0-10. It can therefore be used as an indication of customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Currently our NPS, across the entire company, based on all post-program survey respondents, is 76! And if you’re familiar with NPS then you’ll know this is something worth bragging about! 

Given that NPS ratings can be anywhere from -100 to +100, a score above 0 is typically seen as “good” and a score greater than 50 is considered “excellent”. So we are extremely happy with this level of client satisfaction after participating in one of our Exercise Physiology programs!

Looking forward to 2024

With 2023 soon behind us, we turn towards a bright and prosperous 2024. For those who have helped to contribute to these statistics by referring to us or supporting us in other ways across the year, we thank you! 

From all of us at Specialised Health, we wish you happy holidays and a successful 2024. We look forward to working together next year too. 

Author: Tessa Nielsen
Clinical Exercise Physiologist and Content Creator at Specialised Health

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