‘Bounce’ – Our New, Fixed-Fee, Fatigue Management Program!

Fatigue Management Specialised Health

We’ve been working with people in the fatigue management space for over 5 years now. Throughout that time, we’ve developed an effective set of strategies for assisting them, step by step, to ‘bounce’ back to a normal life. 


Why Bounce?

Unlike many well-researched conditions, people experiencing chronic or severe fatigue have been faced with a unique set of challenges, without much guidance as to how to navigate them. ‘Bounce’ is our opportunity to provide clients, and their rehab team, with a structured and evidence-based approach to recovery.

Late last year, The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (N.I.C.E), released a draft set of new guidelines for fatigue management. We were pleased (but not surprised) to see that our strategies aligned perfectly with what they were suggesting (read more about this here). So ‘Bounce’ is not only our practice-based, tried and tested methods – but also, academic research-based, nationally accredited guidelines, wrapped up into a practical, fixed-fee program!


What Exactly Does It Involve?

Bounce is a 12-week, fixed-fee program, consisting of 3 phases, each lasting around 4 weeks. 

Phase One

Heart rate variability  fatigue management

An Introduction To Fatigue Management Strategies, Data Collection And The Concept Of The ‘Energy Envelope’

The first phase is all about education. Participants receive a smart watch and HRV monitor and we introduce them to tracking HRV, ‘rainbow’ task scheduling, and how to pace their activities (i.e. when and when not to ‘bounce’).


Phase Two

Fatigue management chronic fatigue

Receive Guidance On Energy Expenditure, Physical Maintenance, Sleep / Rest, And Nutrition

In phase two we start to analyse the data we’re collecting and alter lifestyle habits. This, importantly, is where we plan ‘bounces’ in activity and make adjustments as needed. 


Phase Three

Fatigue management Bounce program

Review And Measure Your Successful ‘Bounces’

The final phase is where we look at what has and hasn’t worked and set the client up for long-term success; whether that involves further guidance from us or not. 


What Makes ‘Bounce’ Different?

Where the ‘Bounce’ program stands out from others is our use of HRV monitoring throughout the program. This allows us to match the client’s subjective fatigue ratings with objective data, providing insight to foresee potential increases in fatigue and make adjustments to their daily / weekly schedule to minimise spikes in fatigue.

The bounce program is delivered via regular face-to-face or Telehealth consultations. On top of our work with the client themselves, we also provide progress updates to GP’s and case managers at the end of each phase to keep everyone in the loop. 

Despite bounce being a fixed fee program, it is important to note that it is still highly individualised. No two referrals are ever the same and for that reason, we don’t treat them that way! Timelines and milestones will be adjusted accordingly, with individual circumstances in mind. 


Want To Know More About Bounce? Check Out The Web Page Here! 


Further questions? Feel free to get in touch and see whether ‘Bounce’ might be what you (or your client) needs to get back on their feet. 

Email: admin@specialisedhealth.com.au

Phone: 1300 869 803


Author: Tessa Nielsen

Have you got a claimant that would benefit from E.P. support? Refer to the team!


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