Move More, Sit Less!

move more sit less

In a world where screens and seats dominate our daily routine, there's a powerful truth that we must remember: our bodies are designed for movement. 

Movement isn't just a pastime; it's an absolute necessity for our bodies to function optimally.

In our previous blog, we highlighted the undeniable link between exercise and heart disease prevention, showcasing how regular physical activity can be a game-changer for cardiovascular health. Now, let's zoom out and recognise that movement's impact extends far beyond the realm of heart health and into every aspect of our wellbeing. 

The Stillness Epidemic

Imagine this: on average, people spend an astonishing 7 to 9 hours seated each day. Our lives are becoming increasingly sedentary, thanks to our modern lifestyle. From desk-bound work to leisurely Netflix marathons, our sedentary habits have become the norm. This alarming statistic carries profound health implications, ranging from increased risks of obesity, diabetes and heart disease to compromised posture and musculoskeletal discomfort. Let's face it – too much sitting is taking a toll on our health.

Redefining the Approach

Often, physical activity recommendations can inadvertently scare us away from making positive changes. Many countries have stringent guidelines for exercise – specific minutes per week, intensity levels, and more. While these guidelines are rooted in good intentions, research shows that they can overwhelm people and even lead them to give up altogether. That's where the "Move More, Sit Less" philosophy steps in. We advocate for this refreshing approach that encourages any and all forms of movement, regardless of the number of minutes achieved. It's about the concept that any movement is better than no movement at all. 

So let’s get practical. What might this look like in our day-to-day lives? Here are some creative (but shockingly simple) ways to take a move more, sit less approach: 

  • Park further away: Opt for a parking spot farther from your destination and accumulate a few extra steps, this will add up across the week. 

  • Walking Meetings: Break free from the conference room and suggest a walking meeting to boost both movement and creativity. Even simpler, could that email you’re about to send be delivered in person?

  • Stand and Zoom: Do you have a calendar full of virtual meetings and a standing desk? Everytime you open Zoom - switch your desk to standing. 

  • Switch 1-hour of TV watching to 1-hour of gardening: Cultivate your health while tending to your garden, embracing both physical activity and screen-free tranquillity.

  • Micro-Break Stretches: Seize moments like waiting for the kettle, to engage in gentle stretches (this is a tactic called ‘habit stacking’). 

  • Dance Like Nobody's Watching: Turn mundane tasks into mini workouts by putting on a playlist you can't help but move to (don’t deny it, everyone has one. . .) 

OK, let’s get it moving 🏃🏽‍♀️

"Move more, sit less" isn't just a mantra; it's a transformative lifestyle shift. By weaving movement into the fabric of our daily lives, we reclaim our bodies' natural state of vitality and motion. So, whether you're hitting the gym or dancing while cooking dinner, remember that every movement counts. Your body, mind, and overall well-being will thank you for it.

Author: Tessa Nielsen
Clinical Exercise Physiologist and Content Creator at Specialised Health

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