From Crowded to Coordinated: Perfecting the multidisciplinary approach in rehab
Do you ever worry that involving multiple providers in rehabilitation feels too crowded or overwhelming? Don't let this deter you from accessing valuable services!
Discover three key strategies we use to transform a "crowded" rehab environment into a seamless, coordinated team effort in our latest article.
Navigating the Return to Work Puzzle: Where Does Exercise Physiology Fit?
Discover how exercise physiology is the missing piece in your return-to-work puzzle AND why partnering with us could be your next great decision.
Read this week's blog to learn how we can empower you to get great outcomes for your customers
Striking the Perfect Balance: Speed and Sustainability in Return to Work Rehabilitation
We understand that both speed and sustainability are crucial when it comes to return-to-work programs.
Finding the perfect balance? That’s where the real challenge lies.
This week, we dive deep into how we seamlessly integrate these priorities to achieve the best possible outcomes for everyone involved.
GP Case Conferencing: Enhancing Return to Work Outcomes
At Specialised Health, we understand the importance of a collaborative approach in the management of Return to Work (RTW) programmes. One of the key elements of this approach is GP case conferencing. This practice involves holding a structured meeting between multiple parties on a case, typically the General Practitioners (GPs), Rehabilitation Providers (RPs) and us, the Exercise Physiologists (EPs). If we can encourage Insurers, Employers and any other relevant stakeholders to come along, the more the better…
Rehab Providers and Occupational Therapists - Do you want to know capacity without having to ask for it?
The frustration of piecing together scant information, coordinating with various health professionals, the client, and their workplace, is a challenge we're intimately familiar with.
Our Director, Brad Domek, experienced these frustrations firsthand during his 8 years in the field.
Read this week's blog to find out how it shapes our approach!
An 8-Week Transformation: Overcoming Anxiety to Re-engage in Work
In the sphere of mental health in occupational rehab, the narrative often touches on the profound struggles individuals face when anxiety impedes their professional lives.
This week we share the story of a customer who was able to make significant strides in just 8-weeks.
Read now!
Identifying Ideal Candidates for Exercise Physiology: Navigating Your Case List
Navigating the complex world of rehabilitation can often feel like solving a puzzle for case managers. That's why we've simplified it for you!
Our latest blog delves into the six pivotal scenarios where a referral to Exercise Physiology (EP) can significantly enhance your claimants' recovery journey.
Enhancing Return-to-Work Processes with Exercise Physiology. A Strategic Approach for Employers
Are you struggling with the challenges of managing employee absenteeism due to injuries?
We have something that can revolutionise your approach to these challenges!
🚀 Introducing Our Latest Article:
"Accelerating Recovery with Exercise Physiology: A Game-Changer for Employers"
Biometrics. A Valuable Tool in Invisible Illness?
Wearable technology is predicted as the #1 fitness trend for 2024.
In our opinion, it's one you should get on board with!
Read this weeks blog for what insights HRV can give us and how to get started with tracking yours.
Three Reasons Psychologists Should Pick Up Our Calls
In 2023, 20% of our total referrals were for a primary mental health claim.
We are always looking to do the best we can and that includes collaborating with the experts!
Read this blog for three ways Exercise Physiologists and Psychologists can collaborate!
Exercise Physiology Explained
What is Exercise Physiology?
What do Exercise Physiologists do?
What qualifications do they have?
All of your questions answered in this blog!!
Check it out now.
A Day in the Life! As a Specialised Health EP
Ever wondered about the day in the life of an Exercise Physiologist (EP)? What about a mobile EP?
Over the years, we've championed our mobile approach for its benefits - to both customers and staff.
Today, as our team grows across New Zealand and Australia, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to pull back the curtain...
Self Management: The Real End Goal 🎯
If we've done our job right, our clients won't need us forever.
Regardless of the specific goals—be it returning to work, improving well-being, or achieving work readiness—we always have an underlying goal of effective self-management.
So, how do we ensure we hit the mark?
Check out the top three things we focus on in this week's blog!
Strolling to Success: The Research Backed Benefits of Walking
Have you ever had someone tell you to “go for a walk”, as though it would solve all your problems?
Well, maybe it would… read this week's blog to learn more!
The Yin and Yang of Stress: Harnessing the Power of Good Stress
Should we really aim for a stress-free life?
Stress, often seen as a foe, actually holds incredible potential for growth, motivation, and creativity. In the right dose…
Join us as we uncover the untapped power of stress in this week's blog!
Early Intervention for Better Outcomes
"I just wish I could have started exercise physiology sooner."
We get this feedback all too often!
It’s not just our customers who underscore the importance of early interventions; we wholeheartedly agree, and the research resonates. Check out this week's blog to read more!
Move More, Sit Less!
In a world where screens and seats dominate our daily routine, there's a powerful truth that we must remember…
Our bodies are designed for movement.
Check out this weeks blog for simple, yet creative ways to get more movement into your busy daily routine.
Confronting Inactivity: The Role of Exercise in Heart Disease
The bad news? Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in both Australia and New Zealand.
The good news? It’s never too late to start prioritising your heart health.
Check out this week's blog for a rundown on what heart disease is, and how you can use exercise to be more empowered.
Beyond Exercise! Harnessing Parasympathetic Strategies
If you’ve had a report from us before, you may have seen the term “parasympathetic strategies”…
So what are they? And why do we recommend them?
Unveil the secrets of transitioning from stress to serenity, and learn how these techniques can improve your mental health and overall well-being, in this week's blog!
HRV in the Mental Health Space
By now, you're probably familiar with our passion for heart rate variability (HRV) and in particular, its role in managing fatigue.
But we believe that HRV holds potential beyond fatigue management.
Check out this week's blog to hear about what science is saying about HRV in the mental health space!